« Due Date Extension « Model Code of Conduct « G.O. (Ms)No. 13-2015-ITD dated 12-05-2015 Slab to Rs 5 Lakh « Kind Attention TIAs -Regarding Status updation of pending tenders « Kind Attention Dept Officials regarding Visibility of bid documents to bidders and Public Domain « Kind Attention Dept Officials regarding the guideline issued by PRD on window advt from eproc system for tenders above 5 Lakhs done twice a week. « Steps for Payment Verification when amount is debited from account and not reflected « Instruction to Bidders for Tender cum Auction « Guide Lines for Tender Fee and EMD Exemption « Regarding publishing window advertisements for departmental eTenders via PRD « Attention TIAs - Retaining Encryption Certificate during DSC Renewal « Kind Attention TIAs on GST . The government department has to collect e-tender fee only and the GST amount the bidder will pay to GST department directly. « Kind Attention TIAs who have to purchase IT hardware like Computers, Laptops, Printers, Scanners etc. are requested to procure the same via Kerala Govt CPRCS portal and adhere to the directions in the circular issued in this regard. « Kind Attention TIAs are requested to strictly adhere to the purchase rules and ensure that submission of hard copies of bid document before bid opening shall not be insisted under any circumstance. The MoM mandating the same is attached herewith. « Kind Attention Bidders are requested to keep the account from which tender fee EMD are paid, in operative state until the refunds have been received back. « Kind Attention Bidders who are using SBI MOPS other banks Internet Banking are requested to make online payment 72 hours in advance.
The latest FAQ'S published by various Government Departments, Directorates, Organisations, Institutions and local bodies of are listed here.
Online Enrolment
1. How do I get enrolled in the eProcurement Portal ?

Online enrolment for eProcurement is very simple as a bidder. Go to Tenders Home Page Click on Online Bidder Enrollment link and just fill up the registration form online. On successful submission, the registered login id can be used to login. Then login again and map your Digital Signature certificate with your account, which completes the online enrolment process.

Bidders require class 3 DSC with only Signing Certificate, to be mapped on the portal
2. How much does it cost to enroll online ?

NIC does not charge the Bidders for enrollment. The same is dependent on the Organisation policy.Please check with the organisation.
3. If I am enrolled online, how long my enrollment is valid ?

Your enrollment is valid as long as your business exists. However upon expiry of your Digital Signature Certificate (DSC), you have to renew your DSC from the Certifying Authority and re-enroll the DSC. This might be different in some of the States eprocurement system, where in you may have to check with the respective authorities will approve your enrollment only then, you will be able to participate.
4. How do I log on to eProcurement system after I have enrolled? online ?

After registering on eProcurement system, You can just login, using the user ID, password and the Digital Signature Certificate, in to the portal.
5. Is it possible to edit my profile details entered during online enrollment ?

Yes, after logging in to the system, on the Dash Board, you may edit your details by clicking edit profile. Almost, all information except your loginid can be changed.
DSC Related
Tender Related
Security Related
Foreign Bidders Related
User Account Related
Mobile App Related
Bid Openers Related
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