eTendering System Government of Kerala
Tender Details
Date : 03-Jul-2024 10:03 AM
Basic Details
Organisation Chain Kerala State Financial Enterprises Ltd
Tender Reference Number KSFE/GAD/8220/COUNTER AND CABIN/2023-24
Tender ID 2023_KSFE_594664_1 Withdrawal Allowed Yes
Tender Type Open Tender Form of contract Supply and Service
Tender Category Works No. of Covers 2
General Technical Evaluation Allowed No ItemWise Technical Evaluation Allowed No
Payment Mode Online Is Multi Currency Allowed For BOQ No
Is Multi Currency Allowed For Fee No Allow Two Stage Bidding No
Payment Instruments
Online Bankers
S.No Bank Name
Cover Details, No. Of Covers - 2
Cover No Cover Document Type Description
.pdf Corporate profile of bidder
.pdf profile of bidder proforma 6
.pdf Qualifying data duly filled in as per relevant proforma provided in bid proporsal
.pdf 5 years experience certificate
.pdf capabilities to offer services through out Kerala
.pdf Attested copies of audited financial statement of last 3yrs showing annual turn over min 50 lakhs
.pdf profit making company for last 3 financial yrs 2020 to 2023
.pdf Resources required for construction with trained staff
.pdf List of three references each costing not less than 15 lakhs during last 3 yrs proforma 7
.pdf undertaking to effect that bidder has not been black listed by any PSU/ Govt agencies etc
.pdf quality certifications proforma 8
.pdf Power of attorney granting the right to bind the bidder as per the section 2.3.5
.pdf statement of deviation from tender terms and conditions proforma 5
.pdf Statement of deviation from requirement specification proforma 4
.pdf Technical details of counter and cabin accessories with make and model proforma 9
.pdf signed and sealed copy of tender document additional document and NIT
.pdf Undertaking for the acceptance of defect liability period section 3.10
.pdf Copy of GST registration
.pdf Copy of PAN card
.pdf List of bidders top 5 clients
.pdf Documents for exemption for tender cost and EMD duly sealed and signed MSMEs etc
2 Finance .xls BOQ
Tender Fee Details, [Total Fee in ₹ * - 29,500]
Tender Fee in ₹ 29,500
Fee Payable To Nil Fee Payable At Nil
Tender Fee Exemption Allowed Yes
EMD Fee Details
EMD Amount in ₹ 2,00,000 EMD Exemption Allowed Yes
EMD Fee Type fixed EMD Percentage NA
EMD Payable To Nil EMD Payable At Nil
Work /Item(s)
Title Counter and Cabin
Work Description e tender for empanelment of approved contractors for the construction of counter and cabin for KSFE offices all over Kerala
Pre Qualification Details Please refer tender document  
Independent External Monitor/Remarks NA 
Tender Value in ₹ 30,00,00,000 Product Category Civil Works - Others Sub category Counter And Cabin 
Contract Type Empanelment Bid Validity(Days) 180 Period Of Work(Days) 30 
Location KSFE Offices all over Kerala Pincode 680020 Pre Bid Meeting Place NA 
Pre Bid Meeting Address NA  Pre Bid Meeting Date NA  Bid Opening Place KSFE Head Office Thrissur
Should Allow NDA Tender No  Allow Preferential Bidder No
Critical Dates
Publish Date 10-Aug-2023 06:00 PM Bid Opening Date 08-Sep-2023 11:00 AM
Document Download / Sale Start Date 10-Aug-2023 06:30 PM Document Download / Sale End Date 05-Sep-2023 06:30 PM
Clarification Start Date NA  Clarification End Date NA 
Bid Submission Start Date 10-Aug-2023 06:30 PM Bid Submission End Date 05-Sep-2023 06:30 PM
Financial Bid Opening Date 09-Oct-2023 01:15 PM
Tender Documents
NIT Document
S.No Document Name Description Document Size (in KB)
1 Tendernotice_1.pdf Notice inviting tender 145.61
Work Item Documents
S.No Document Type Document Name Description Document Size (in KB)
1 Tender Documents TENDERDOC2023.pdf Tender Document for the construction of Counter and cabin 389.81
2 Additional Documents Additionaldoc.pdf Additional documents 150.07
3 Other Document NIT.pdf NIT 131.65
4 BOQ BOQ_881664.xls BOQ 294.00
Latest Corrigendum List
S.No Corrigendum Title Corrigendum Type View
1 specification of counter and cabin Technical Bid
Tender Inviting Authority
Name Managing Director
Address KSFE Ltd Head Office Bhadratha Museum Road Thrissur 20