« G.O. (Ms)No. 13-2015-ITD dated 12-05-2015 Slab to Rs 5 Lakh « Kind Attention TIAs -Regarding Status updation of pending tenders « Kind Attention Dept Officials regarding Visibility of bid documents to bidders and Public Domain « Kind Attention Dept Officials regarding the guideline issued by PRD on window advt from eproc system for tenders above 5 Lakhs done twice a week. « Steps for Payment Verification when amount is debited from account and not reflected « Regarding publishing window advertisements for departmental eTenders via PRD « Kind Attention TIAs on GST . The government department has to collect e-tender fee only and the GST amount the bidder will pay to GST department directly. « Kind Attention Bidders who are using SBI MOPS other banks Internet Banking are requested to make online payment 72 hours in advance.
Information related to the various screen readers :
Screen Reader Website Free / Commercial
Screen Access For All (SAFA) http://www.nabdelhi.in  Free
Non Visual Desktop Access (NVDA) http://www.nvda-project.org  Free
System Access To Go http://www.satogo.com/  Free
Hal http://www.yourdolphin.co.uk/productdetail.asp?id=5  Commercial
JAWS http://www.freedomscientific.com/jaws-hq.asp  Commercial
Supernova http://www.yourdolphin.co.uk/productdetail.asp?id=1  Commercial
Visitor No:9335838
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